Trataka Meditation

Trataka is a form of meditation, where one gazes as a candle, or image, with the intention of bringing that image within. This type of focused energy, provides grounding to vata (wind energy) which is mobile and often associated with racing thoughts, and a cluttered, forgetful mind.

To practice, we've included a list of tips below.


Purpose: Clear kapha from the eyes; improve focus and mental clarity; brings positive energy; is a form of meditation; calms vata (wind energy) by providing stability to the mind.

When to do : Mind has to be clear and body not fidgety. Best time is after your yoga or morning movement practice, before eating.

What you’ll need: Image that you enjoy looking at, or a lit candle; a table or stool which can hold picture approx. 1 arms length away at or slightly below eye height, + comfortable seat

How to do: Sit and gaze at lit candle or picture until eyes water, ~3-5 minutes. Once eyes water, or after allotted time, shut eyes and engage shanmukhi mudra pictured (right) below. Imagine your image, or light inside. Use this as a tool to focus your meditative energy.

Note: Use of flame is counter-indicated in pregnancy. In the case of pregnancy, a picture would be used.