Sleep better with these tips!

Did you know the National Institutes of Health estimates that roughly 30 percent of the general population complains of sleep disruption? That means a lot of people who aren’t getting the rest they need in order to maximize their health.

In Ayurveda sleep is considered one of the key supporting pillars to health, as it provides vital nourishment to the body and ensures that we sooth this mind and support our central nervous system in the processing of the days activities, as well as the cleaning out of build-ups of things like bad plaque.

In our lecture on sleep broadcast on Tuesday, May 2nd we shared with participants a brief overview of how Ayurveda conceptualizes sleep, as well as some sleep imbalances. We also offered general tips for how you can go about improving your sleep, if your sleep has become less than ideal.

Check out the video footage below to learn more. Additionally, we’ve included a video breath-work practice that can support sleep and waking at the end fo this post. Enjoy!


Want to learn the pranayama mentioned in our Ayurveda & Sleep Lecture?

Check out the video below for instructions on both chandra bhedana & surya bhedana.


Chandra Bhedana, can help with going to sleep and has a cooling/calming effect. The second, Surya Bhedana, can help with getting going in in the morning as it is warming and invigorating. Please note, all breath techniques should be done with a slightly longer exhale as compared to inhale, on an empty stomach, and without forcing. Additionally, Surya Bhedana is counter-indicated during pregnancy, heart disease and high blood pressure; so, best to avoid if you fall into one of those categories.


About the Presenter

Emily Murphy Kaur, M.A. & M.S., and her husband Harmeet Singh own Sētu Vermont, an applied yoga and meditation research institute where they guide retreats, teach classes, and direct trainings with the goal of supporting individuals on a path to personalized wellness. 


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